Blog filter by oisforokamoto

4 of The Worst Romp Stories That Are True

4 of The Worst Romp Stories That Are True

We’ve all got that one or two funny/embarrassing romping experience under our belt, but if we think we’ve got it rough, it’s almost nothing compared to these horror bedroom stories...
January 04, 2019
How Does Horoscope Affect Our Sex Lives?

How Does Horoscope Affect Our Sex Lives?

Have you ever wondered what does your horoscope sign say about the way you are in bed? Even if you might be confident in knowing your likes and dislikes, it’s...
December 06, 2018
6 Signs You're (Or They're) Good In Bed

6 Signs You're (Or They're) Good In Bed

If your life were a sitcom, you could probably measure every hookup with an old-fashioned Rate-O-Meter based on live audience applause. But in reality, who’s to tell if you’re actually...
September 19, 2018
Okamoto Goes To BeerFest Asia 2018

Okamoto Goes To BeerFest Asia 2018

Okamoto X BeerFest Asia 2018    As the official Intimacy Partner for BeerFest Asia 2018 X Edition, Okamoto headed down to Gardens by the Bay for all four days...
September 17, 2018